The Phases of human courtship (and each of nine steps) each have their own beautifully hardbound book version.
First, consider Introduction to Romantic Dynamics™ :
We will start listing from there, beginning with Phase I of courtship, steps one through three, which is “desire” in attracting others, then find step by step the hardbound book for each of the nine full steps and three phases of human courtship.
Phase I has three steps to it, included in one, 400-page volume, and called “Boy Meets Girl” or “Girl Meets Boy,” for Step One, “Ladies and Gentlemen” for Step Two, and “Winning and Losing” for Step Three. At any of the three, the budding courtship may easily fail without knowing the processes occurring:
Phase II of human courtship is Emotional Attraction, and comprises steps four through six:
Step Four is called “Finding Value in Each Other,” where we come to appreciate and value specific things in each other, and discover that love is different, and amplifying of desire:
Step Five is called “Finding Stress in Each Other,” where we inevitably get tested as a new couple by the stresses in our world, to discover strengths we have against them, together more powerful than alone.
Step Six is called “Finding Completion in Each Other,” where we learn that the love we have is not just the stuff of “friends,” but by way of our Social Personalitycompatibility, are actually “best friends.”
Phase III of human courtship is Intellectual Attraction, or commitment as partners, and comprises steps seven through nine, the last step. These steps are so complex and extensive, getting into committed relationships and marriage—that they come in multiple volumes for each step. These will narrow you down to just what you need to become more accomplished at in long-term relationships and their difficulties, deficits and strengths.
Step Seven of courtship is called, “Who I Am” (in romance), where you learn about who you are, therefore what you want in a person and relationship, and can then narrow your focus to the kind of person who is going to go the distance with you in romance:
Step Eight of courtship is called, “Who We Are” (as a couple in romance), which is the most complex step of all, and where you find out every detail of your “character compatibility” with another person in the process of forming a powerful team in love and life. It includes all the permutations of character and commonality to make for a kind of “two-factor authentication” of the right partner for you:
Step Nine, the final step of all human courtship is coming soon.